Curation Criteria
We take pride in the curation of the Sellers pitching with The Bridge
All Amazon Sellers participating in the Bridge are highly curated. In order to get accepted for the Bridge you have to meet the following criteria (exceptions possible). We take these steps to ensure the highest quality of The Bridge for all participants.
Profitable, minimum US$ 1 Million Revenue*
Private Label Seller (no Reseller)
Strong product quality
*Exceptions for strong businesses < US$ 1 M. possible

Apply now to Pitch with The Bridge
We will be in touch in less than 24 hours to discuss
the next steps towards your pitch.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any other question, please reach out to us.
Why do I achieve the highest exit price with The Bridge?
The formula is simple but brilliant: its the combination of 1) the large number of participating Aggregators that leads to a high competition 2) a short bidding process that ensures that all Aggregator bids are straight to the point and 3) a well prepared pitch based on the value driver of your business that helps to negotiate the best terms, but also helps the Aggregators to bid with confidence. 4) Plus you have our experts on your side – they know the Aggregator space, Amazon and the value driver of your business inside out.
What are my benefits when pitching with The Bridge?
There are quite many, i.e. besides a much higher Exit Price, you’ll achieve much better terms (earn-out, securities etc), a guaranteed exit, expert advise, short timeline and a smooth and efficient process. With our experts on your side you have the peace of mind that you get the best deal for your Amazon Business.
Do other Seller see my Pitch presentation?
Clearly no! Sellers cannot see the pitch of other sellers. Only invited Aggregator that are participating in The Bridge will be seeing your pitch presentation. All of them have to sign an NDA with The Bridge and will only use the information in order to place a proposal for your business.
Are there any costs for pitching at The Bridge?
No, your pitch with The Bridge and our expert advise are completely free of charge for you.
When can I pitch my business at The Bridge?
We have bi-weekly pitch events where the worlds leading Aggregators participate. After sending us your application we will inform you about the next possible slots, which is usually within 2-3 weeks. We will be preparing the pitch together with you in the meanwhile.
How sure is it that I will be able to sell my business with The Bridge?
The major reason why we curate businesses is to ensure that all the business that we present are of highest interest for Aggregator – resulting in a guaranteed exit for Sellers. 98% of the businesses that Pitch with Bridge receive proposal from almost all Aggregators and are being sold afterwards.
What are the pre-conditions to get accepted for The Bridge?
We take pride in the Amazon Sellers we curate for The Bridge. The following pre-conditions apply. You must be 1) Private Label Seller, with 2) > US$ 1 MN in Revenue* (exceptions possible), 3) a Profitable Business and 4) have good ratings on your major revenue / profit generating products on Amazon.
My Revenue is below US$ 1 M. Can I still Pitch with The Bridge?
There are businesses that currently make less US$ 1 M and are still of high interest for some Aggregators; If your business is one of those, we would love to hear from you. Please fill out our contact form and we will get back to you with a feedback within 24 hours.
Is The Bridge independent?
Yes – we are completely independent and we are proud of it. We take professionalism very serious. Our core mission is to help Sellers to get the best Deal possible and navigate them through the large number of shortly established Aggregators. We maintain a good professional relationship to all major Aggregator, but we clearly serve the Seller.
Is my business data protected?
Yes, your business data is protected at all times. No one besides the participating Aggregators will have access to your business information. Your business data will be used by them for proposal purposes only. All Aggregators have to sign an NDA and will be deleting the information provided after reviewing your business.
There are more than 40 Aggregators - which one is the best fit?
Indeed, it is very difficult for a 1st or 2nd time seller to navigate through all those Aggregators. The right fit depends on the Aggregators focus, operating capabilities, closure rate and their ability to deliver on the earn-out. We know them all and will help you to choose the right partner that fits best to your business and expectations.
Which Aggregator are participating in The Bridge?
Expect the worlds leading Aggregators with a good reputation as well as PE Firms and other investors to watch your pitch. Aggregators that systematically failed to deliver on term sheets in the past – also outside The Bridge – are excluded from The Bridge.
Can I also pitch a D2C Brand (no/small Amazon presence)?
Aggregators, but also strategic investors (such as Privat Equity Firms and Corporates) are frequently acquiring strong D2C Brands. Hence, we also love to have D2C Brands on stage pitching their business at The Bridge.
What is FPA (Fair Playing Aggregator)?
Fair Playing Aggregator is the code of conduct of The Bridge that participating Aggregators have to comply with. In summary it says that we aim for 1) An excellent experience for Sellers throughout their exit, 2) Fair competition amongst Aggregators, 3) Fair, Fast and professional closing.